A detail that's rendered entirely pointless given that it all takes place in a high school setting, with the purpose of even addressing the nature of the world's construct only coming to play to allow these teens the ability to wield supernatural weaponry-no, that's not a joke, the show is really that lazy. The world of Absolute Duo is that of a dystopian future. The show doesn't try because it's effectively harvested a viewership that doesn't expect it to. Here's a world that exists byways of audience participation to do all the legwork for it. Why bother writing a compelling narrative when excessive info-dumps and monologuing could do the trick? Why bother to make something with a modicum of artistic expression when you would just flash a few pantsu to win over mouth-breathers? Why bother trying when the audience being pandered to don't even demand anything more? It's hard not to be sardonic about titles like these, especially when the problem stems far deeper than simply "the studio's fault." And in the case of Duo, what we have here is a symptom of audience complacency. With a few slight tweaks here and there, and a fresh coat of paint to mask the stench of unoriginality, these titles are excreted out by the dozen on constant demand. It's the same cookie-cutter assembly-line product regurgitated yearly from the anime industry. Absolute Duo does absolutely nothing new. Either that or you've accidentally watched this piece of garbage, Absolute Duo. If you answered "yes" to most, if not, all of those, then congrats! You've just found yourself a mouth-breather tier anime title.

▸Is there at least one obligatory scene where this meta-male either walks in on a girl changing or accidentally gropes them? ☑ ▸Is there a lot of instances where your lead is viewed as a pervert due to stupid misunderstandings? ☑ ▸Is there some kind of a pussy beta-male protagonist with a "unique"/hax superpower? ☑ ▸Does it go from tensionless fights to school rom-com at the drop of a hat? ☑

▸Is the lead easily flustered by anything involving females? ☑ ▸Is there unnecessary fanservice in the cover photo? ☑ ▸Is there a love interest story that goes nowhere? ☑ ▸Is there a beach or hot spring episode? ☑ Enjoying it alot.Have you ever had trouble spotting a bottom-of-the-barrel title? Finding the product of studio algorithm, where the intent is solely that of a product and nothing more? Shows with as much integrity as a used car salesman with a tacky poker-dot tie, or as much validity as McDonald's promoting "health" through thinly cut apple slices and a bottle of processed milk? Hogwash that pretends to have artistic merit? And if so, would you like to sift through bottom-tier anime before so much as letting it occupy time on your media device? If you've answered yes to this, here are some quick tips to help you Story becoming more interesting n secretive. New characters are introducing one after another.and they all are making their own place in drama n able attract attention towards themselves.Įmotional scene are very well done.as expected from Xiao Zhan.he nails such scenes. 7 different people with diff thinking, diff agendas in life are difficult to become a team.but both teacher push them to find their own weaknesses and become one team. I like how headmaster and master built a team spirit within 7 students. Many things are unfolding and many things are becoming more secretive. As I already know the actual plot of the novel.I was not expecting much attraction towards drama.but Drama plot is more exciting and intriguing and it wants me to watch more. because as things are unveiling one after another in the plot, it excites you about what will happen next. Looking forward to new characters too.San Pao is cute pig-dog. I even like artist playing Xiao Wu character. Xiao Zhan, calvin Chen, Qiu Xin Zhi, Kenny Chung, Gai Tai Yu, Liu Mei Tong are doing amazing acting. Drama actually covered that missing emotional feeling between father-son duo. One can feel more attachment with TangSan and his father relationship than novel and animation. Plot and character's building in drama is really perfect. Because of some changes in drama plot, story is really intriguing and attractive. Exact Copy and paste of novel in Drama make drama draggy and boring.but this is not the case here. Uptill episode 11, all Cast acting is also good. Fighting scenes and unfolding of story is amazingly done. Plot pace is picked up in latest episodes. Oscar character is more interesting than novel. Characters are also good and amazingly portrait so far especially TangSan, his father, Master Gang, Headmaster. Drama has little different plot than actual novel but it's more interesting.and still holding original novel plot's facts and substance. I already read novel and watched it's animation till ep 130.